Welcome to tonight's live round by round, punch by punch coverage of SHOWTIME's PPV Boxing's main event, - THE MOMENT: Floyd Mayweather vs. Marcos Maidana. Hit refresh every few minutes (4 minutes) to get the latest updates, round by round and live results of Mayweather vs. Marcos.
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ROUND 1: Maidana comes out jabbing. Mayweather cautious and looking for angles and opportunities. Maidana coming out swinging and lands a right to Mayweather's body. Mayweather landing to the mid section of Maidana and lands a nice over hand right. Maidana trying to smother Mayweather with punches. Overhand right lands by Maidana and he goes to work on Mayweather on the ropes. Maidana is working hard n Mayweather on the ropes. Mayweather looks like he is playing possum but Maidana is landing some serious stuff on the ropes. This has gone on for a good part of the round. I got to give that round Maidana. Wow.
10-9 Maidana.
ROUND 2: Mayweather comes out strong in this round. Maidana has come to fight and he is throwing everything he can at Mayweather. Some excellent work to Mayweather's body. Maidana crowds Mayweather on the ropes and is taking as good as he gets. On the ropes, Maidana is winning this fight.
10-9 Maidana
.ROUND 3: Maidana gets Mayweather back on the ropes, and Mayweather gets out of there, but Maida lands to the body. Mayweather doing some better work. Maidana throws a lot and Mayweather is doing some good counter attacking. 1:30 mark and Maidana has Mayweather back on the ropes. Maidana looks like a windmill throwing punches. Mayweather misses some great shots, Maidana comes back, he is a man on a mission. A fight is going on. 30 seconds left, Maidana has Mayweather on the ropes again and unleashes some great body work.
10-9 Maidana
ROUND 4: Maidana goes back to the attack, Mayweather works the counter. Maidana has a higher output. Maidana playing the hunter. Nice left hook to the body lands for Mayweather. Maidana bangs away like a man with serious intentions. Better round for Mayweather, looks like he is cut over the eye.
10-9 Maidana
ROUND 5: Maidana is punching a lot and gets some great shots in. Over hand right lands by Maidana. The fight gets rough in the clinches. Left hook lands for Maidana. A Jab and then to the body lands for Maidana. Right to the body, then a left to
head from Maidana lands on Mayweather.
10-9 Maidana
ROUND 6: Mayweather counters with a nice right, Maidana stays busy. shirt uppercut lands by Mayweather. Maidana gets Mayweather on the ropes and unleashes pucnhes. Back int eh center of the ring, Mayweather having better success. straight right counter lands for Mayweather. Right hand to the body from Maidana gets Mayweather back on teh ropes. Mayweather looks to be waking up now.
10-9 Mayweather
ROUND 7: Fighting in the center. Mayweather being cautious now, but effective with better accuracy. 1:50 Mayweather's back on the ropes. Good defense showing for Mayweather (finally). Doubling the jab, working the hook for Mayweather.
10-9 Mayweather
ROUND 8: Maidana comes out with a renewed wind. Mayweather gets hit low and complains. Fight goes on. Mayweather is looking better as the fight goes on.
10-9 Mayweather
ROUND 9: Maidana lead hunter, Mayweather counter hunts. Mayweather lands upstairs on Maidan, snaps his head back. Maidana bouncing around showing lots of energy. Back anGood round for Mayweather.
ROUND 10: Stiff Jab, right to the body from Mayweather. Mayweather getting some fire going on. Maidana has a good out put, but landing with less regularity. On the ropes Maidana find some success. A good and close round.
10-9 Mayweather
ROUND 11: Mayweather lands some good accurate shots. Maidana counters with the jab. The fighter in a clinch lose balance and almost fall through the ropes.
10-9 Mayweather
ROUND 12: some back and forth. Right hand by Maidana, contered by Floyd. Maidana fires off shots hardcore as he has Mayweather on the ropes. Mayweather counters and moves around.
Tough round to score.
SCORES READ: 114-114 draw, and 117-111, 116-112 for the winner by Majority decision: FLOYD MAYWEATHER
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