Lennox Lewis on who he is Rooting for in the Olympics - Canada, Britain or Jamaica?
Lennox Lewis on who he is Rooting for in the Olympics - Canada, Britain or Jamaica? By Johnny Benz, Doghouse Boxing (July 30, 2012) Doghouse Boxing - Tweet
By Johnny Benz, Doghouse Boxing. - With ties to both Canada and Britain, one might wonder who Lennox Lewis is rooting for in the Olympics.
Well the answer is both. You can also add Jamaica to that list. In a recent tweet, Lewis explained why Canada,
Britain and Jamaica are countries he holds close to his heart.
Lewis tweeted: "Some insist on me choosing GB over Canada or Canada over GB. They BOTH played a role in who I am today."
Lewis added: "England birthed me... and Canada nurtured me. Jamaica is where my heritage comes from and where I live."
If you ask me... Lewis nailed his answers perfectly.
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