Boxing Poll Manny Pacquiao vs Floyd Mayweather Jr - and the Winner is... See Results Now!
By Johnny Benz (Dec 15, 2009) Doghouse Boxing (Photo © G.Villasenor)  
It's the mega event everyone wants, the proposed March 13th HBO Pay-per-view TV mega event, Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs Manny Pacquiao. People are talking about what venue the fight will be at, MGM Grand in Las Vegas, or the Dallas Cowboys Stadium in Texas. They are also talking about the Olympic style drug testing that both fighters will need to submit their blood and urine samples to check for illegal steroids or banned performance enhancements. So much to talk about, and the fight isn't even official yet.

Aside from venue and drug talk, folks are also talking about think will will this epic match up. In a recent and ongoing poll conducted by, readers were asked to vote on who they think will win Floyd Mayweather Jr vs. Manny Pacquiao.

Here are the results of that Poll so far. These results are not scientific. The voting poll asked: Who would win in a fight between Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao? Out of 551 votes calculated so far, the results are as follows:

86 votes for a total sum of 16% of voters believe Floyd Mayweather Jr will win in a romp.

247 votes for a total sum of 45% of voters believe Manny Pacquiao will win in a romp.

116 votes for a total sum of 21% of voters believe Mayweather will win by a close decision

102 votes for a total sum of 19% of voters believe Pacquiao will win by a close decision.

When it comes to victory by close decision, Mayweather Jr. just slightly edges out Pacquiao. When it comes to what fighter would win in a "romp", Pacquiao clearly dominates in the poll.

Overall - The winner of the Poll (As of Now...the poll is still open for more voting.)

Floyd Mayweather Jr. received 202 of the 551 total votes for a final tally of 37%

Manny Pacquiao received 349 of the 551 total votes for a final tally of 63%

According to readers of Newdays, Manny Pacquiao will be the clear winner.

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