ONE IN A MILLION INC. today bid farewell to a family member and boxing hero. Together with the Evansville and Tri-State communities, we mourn the loss of one of our own, Kevin Payne. As a boxer, Kevin fought with passion, determination and a deep respect for the sport of boxing. As our team member and friend, Kevin won our respect and our hearts with his friendly, engaging demeanor and an unrivaled commitment to uplift those around him..
I cannot overstate the joy and admiration Kevin evoked in those around him, and he will be sorely and deeply missed for a very long time.
Kevin is survived by his wife, Jenny Payne, two children, siblings and his extended family, many of whom were by his side throughout this ordeal. Kevin was also a longtime and respected employee of Whirlpool Corp. Evansville.
On behalf of all of the members of the ONE IN A MILLION team and the boxing community, our hearts and prayers go out to the Payne family, and we continue to offer our support to all of Kevin's family members in this difficult time. And as Kevin would have said "WE WILL MISS YOU BUDDY"
Octavius C. James
Chief Executive Officer
Tribute to Kevin Payne: http://www.oneinamillionboxing.com/
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