Paul Spadafora: Eyewitnesses Paint Spadafora an Evil Monster
Oct 29, 2003: Doghouse Boxing Report
Paul Spadafora May Be Out of Jail for now, but his Problems are Just Beginning.
Charged with the attempted murder of his young girlfriend, Nadine Russo, 20 Spadafora has nothing to say about the shooting since leaving the Allegheny County Jail Monday night after posting bond. The only ones who have had good words for Spadafora is his brother and his promoter, because certainly none of the eyewitnesses to the alleged crime had anything nice or promising to say in defense of Spadafora.
According to an affidavit of probable cause, police interviewed witnesses who saw Spadafora not only yelling at Russo, but being very aggressive and demeaning to the girl. According to one witness Russo was driving Spadafora's 2003 Hummer HS and ran the vehicle over concrete median. That’s when witnesses at the Gas Station told police Spadafora got out of the vehicle and in a frenzy, started yelling obscenities at Nadine after seeing that the 2 left-side tires were flat. Spadafora then pushed Russo into the passenger side of the vehicle, got into the driver seat and drove to another area of the parking lot. Both Nadine and Paul then got out of the vehicle and walked away from the gas station.
The witness turned away from the couple, but then quickly looked at them again as a loud bang was heard, according to the affidavit. The witness then saw Russo staggering and then she collapsed.
A second witness told police that Spadafora shouted obscenities and spit out threats when the witness tried to save Russo from dying by placing pressure on the bullet wound. The second witness then grabbed Paul’s cell phone out of the boxer’s hands to call for emergency help, but an enraged Spadafora “snatched” the phone back.
Police would later find the phone smashed to pieces on the parking lot. Also found was a Smith & Wesson .38 caliber revolver near the scene where the first witness last saw the couple arguing, the affidavit said.
Doghouse Boxing will continue to cover this story as the events unfold.
Also see:
Oct 25: Arrested & Charged: Paul Spadafora
Oct 26: Paul Spadafora Arrested for Shooting Girlfriend in the Chest
Oct 27: Spadafora freed on Bail: Victim says Spadafora innocent: