John Molina Jr. Speaks out on his Suspension, Al Haymon, Omar Figueroa, his return and more…
Interview conducted by "Big Dog" Benny Henderson Jr., Doghouse Boxing (July 3, 2015)
John Molina Jr.
| Although super lightweight contender John Molina 27-6 (22 KO’s) is coming off three consecutive losses, as well as fighting a suspension from the Nevada State Athletic Commission for failing a post-fight drug test for a banned diuretic. He stood his ground and maintained his innocence for the test, and is actually confident that they will all get to the bottom of the matter at hand. His back is against the wall, but, the thirty-two year old California native said his nothing to lose and everything to gain mentality will get him back on the winning track. In this exclusive interview, John speaks out on his suspension, his advisor Al Haymon, who he wants to fight in his return and more, enjoy.
Benny Henderson Jr.
How have things been going for you lately?
John Molina Jr.
Things have been going great; I have been working hard in the gym to keep the motor running. Working diligently to keep the body ready for the future, believe it or not I like the position that I am in. I know there are a lot of things that I need to prove and showcase to show where I am at, but I like the fact that my back is against the wall. It is like I need to show everybody that I belong, and for me, I work better under that type of pressure. I am excited for the future.
Speaking of pressure, I am sure three consecutive losses have to add a lot of pressure for you to want to win and keep your career on track. It is now you have nothing to lose and everything to gain type of scenario.
I feel like I am in a great position, once I get back out there and showcase my talents I will show that I am a batter fighter than my last fight. The only way I can go is up from here. I never pick my fights, I fight who they put in front of me, and I will fight at 140 or 147 pounds. It doesn’t matter. People say I should fight a scrub to get a win on my record, I will fight whoever. If a big name falls in my lap, then that’s who I will fight. I do this to fight the best.
Per your lawyer I know there is only so much you can say about your suspension. With that being said, give the readers your thoughts on that topic, and what you can tell us the latest news is.
Right now my team is working diligently with the Nevada Athletic Commission, they are a great Commission, and they have been overseeing my case with me. We are about two weeks out from rectifying that situation, and letting everyone know what really went on. I have never cheated; I am a big believer for a fair playing field. They are doing everything to make sure everything gets done in the right way, at the same time I applaud them that they hold every fighter accountable. Again, I never done anything illegal, I never used an illegal substance, that is not who I am. I never stepped on the scale more than once, and this is a heavier weight that what I usually fight in. It was a shock to me when this happened, and that is why I hired the perfect defense team to help rectify this situation. But again, we are about two weeks out and we are ready to get back to work.
Some people are going to look at all of this, along with the three consecutive losses and say you are done. We know you need a win, but, what do you need to turn this all around in your career?
You have to put that out of your head, there are going to be fans who love you and people who hate you. I have been doing this for a very long time and I have learned that you have to take everything with a grain of salt. I fight for the fans. I know what is in front of me; I want to get in there with a good name. I want somebody who is not going to run around, but fight. And that is Omar Figueroa. I think that would be a great fight, an action packed fight; it would show the world that I am here to stay.
That is a good name, so you are saying, if all goes well in two weeks that is the one you want to get in there with?
JM If I am offered a tune up fight so be it, I will take it, but I think the fight with Omar Figueroa would be a great fight, a name that will catapult me back where I need to be. I love fighting uphill battles, I love being in those kind of wars. I believe that fight should have happened at 135-ponds, but it did not. He is up to 140-pounds now, so let’s make it happen. I believe the fans would love it. He has never faced an opponent like me, never a puncher like me. He is a great fighter; I am excited to go out there.
So we should know something in about two weeks?
JM We should know something, I am not saying it will be Omar, but if they are asking me who I want to fight next, it is Omar. I think it would be a great fight.
Your advisor Al Haymon gets a lot of flak, especially here lately. What has been your experience working with Al?
For me personally, I can only speak for myself, I believe he is an advocate for us fighters; he does what he says and says what he does. The people who are complaining about Al are the ones who want to be with him and are not. Al cares about us fighters. I think he is good for the sport as well as the fighters.
Anything in closing?
JM Thank you guys for following me, whether it be the believers or the nay Sayers. I am happy about this position that I am in, I have nothing to lose and everything to gain, and I am going into every fight thinking that way.
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