PPV Boxing - Bob Arum makes no bones about it
By Steve Kim, MaxBoxing (June 8, 2011) Doghouse Boxing
Bob Arum makes no bones about
it; if you haven't cultivated your fighter into an attraction or a pay-per-view
franchise, it will be difficult for them to make a deal with one of their
clients that are. In other words, if you're a guy just fighting on HBO every
six or seven months in small, half-empty ballrooms, you're probably going to be
stuck there.
"I resent guys who want to be 'free riders.' Y' know, if Richard Schaefer
has a guy and he's done pay-per-view with the guy, well, then there's something
to talk about because Schaefer's put his ass up to promote the guy on
pay-per-view. But guys who don't promote their fights on pay-per-view and then
want to put him in a fight where there's no recognizable A-side OR if they go
against an A-side pay-per-view attraction, then they start the sh*t, 'Well,
he's the ‘champeen’; he knocked out this guy in two rounds and therefore, he's
entitled to a 50-50 split.'
"What the f**k are they
talking about?!"
I can be reached at k9kim@yahoo.com and I tweet at www.Twitter.com/stevemaxboxing. We also have a Facebook fan page at www.facebook.com/MaxBoxing.
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