Trisha Morrison, widow of Tommy “The Duke” Morrison, speaks to Doghouse Boxing: “No HIV = NO AIDS!”
By Sean Newman, Doghouse Boxing (Nov 19, 2013)
Trisha Morrison, the widow of recently deceased former heavyweight champion Tommy “The Duke” Morrison, recently contacted Doghouse Boxing regarding a series of books written by The Duke. These books will be made available in the coming days with the proceeds inuring to the benefit of two of his sons. A press release with ordering information on those three books is forthcoming, but in the meantime, Trisha took the time to answer a few questions for our readers.
SN: First of all, can you tell us when and how you happened to meet Tommy?
I was working in Las Vegas in 1996. I was bringing in tourists from the UK and booking rooms all over Las Vegas for these UK tourists. I couldn't get any rooms over the weekend in February of ‘96 and had to cancel some major airlines coming into Las Vegas...all because of a fight between someone called Morrison and his opponent. The Brits were not happy!
In 2009, I had been working several years for a beautiful historic hotel in Wichita, Kansas, as sales and marketing manager. I took care of all the VIP arrangements at our hotel too. My nickname was the “Duchess”...even before I met the “Duke.”
A “Tommy Morrison” was on the list of invitees for an event going on in the city. Was this the same Morrison from 1996? I Google’d him once and it was. I didn't know whether to give him the worst room in the hotel or the best! I received a voicemail on my office phone and it was an invitation to a premiere of a documentary that Tommy was in and asked would I invite him to come with me to the premiere. He was unaware that he was in this documentary. We went together. It was the showing of the House of Numbers, which can be seen at
SN: Did you know who he was? What were your thoughts on his boxing career?
I didn't know who he was other than what I had read over the Internet. I was a tennis player. I had never seen Rocky V – and still to this day I have not. He enjoyed telling me about his boxing career and the good and bad about the sport and his career. I perhaps met the real Tommy - the side that no one else had the pleasure of knowing. The heartbreaking stories of his childhood and his former marriages and relationships...his addictions…his dreams…his future goals.
SN: What about you? What can you tell us about your own background?
I was brought up in the UK, South America, Cuba, Holland…and have worked and lived in Italy, Spain, Austria…always in tourism and the airline business. I was also working in ski resorts and beach resorts. I have two great sons of my own from a previous marriage and a dog named Callie that Tommy adored! Tommy met me, and I told him after reading all the stuff on the internet that I didn't do drugs…no tattoos…never been a stripper in a bar...and enjoyed a glass of wine now and again...and I was not his type! He looked at me and said: “You are exactly what I have been looking for all my life.” I am a legal alien in the US – legitimate green card! – I don't need to marry anyone for citizenship!
SN: How did your relationship with Tommy progress after your initial meeting?
We had a blast. He became motivated again. When I met him he was sad, lonely, the wrong crowd still calling him. Slowly he realized he had to delete certain people from his life. He wanted to see his kids more...I encouraged that. He opened his own gym. He started to give back to the community. He was still a "cop magnet" though…and the odd "friend" would show up and hence he was arrested for marijuana. We moved to Tennessee in 2011. He wanted to be able to see at least one of his sons grow up. He attended rehab there and was successful until a "fugitive warrant arrest" out of the blue turns up and he's involved in a sting operation that led him to jail in Tennessee for 2 weeks. He was then extradited to Wichita for one week until the sealed warrant was unsealed and I managed to then bail him out. BIG mistake moving to Tennessee. We shared good and bad times and never left each other’s side and loved each other deeply.
SN: When did you become aware that he had tested positive for HIV, and how did your own beliefs about HIV develop while talking and researching with Tommy?
I believed what everybody else believed. I did my own research. It doesn't take a rocket scientist if you have the time and want to really look into the history of "HIV". His previous girlfriends and wives and mothers of his kids, and his kids, even those born in 1989 and 1990 are all "HIV negative," including me. The test kits on the market and the ones he had taken…ALL...I repeat ALL…do NOT detect "HIV" infection NOR do they detect "HIV" virus...and it's not me...Trisha...nor Tommy...that is stating that "fact" comes directly from the test kit manufacturers. So – if he tested "positive" on any tests he took…then he tested "positive" for one of the 80 to 100 other ailments that create proteins that trigger a "false positive" results. Tommy had mononucleosis....he had Epstein Barr Virus…he had bilateral sinusitis...he had Addison’s ...The only test that actually detects a virus in the human body is with an Electron Microscope. He had that done twice in 2012 and HIV infection.
SN: You and Tommy spent a great deal of time, obviously, doing the research I mentioned. You would include it in lengthy e-mails that you would mass send. Can you share with our readers in a nutshell what the content of those messages were about and the type of people you would send it to?
"When will the madness end? When will serious journalists find the courage to investigate the fraud that still psychologically terrorizes and literally poisons millions of gay men, IV drug users, African American women, black Africans and the other poor – and – of the world who have been misled into believing they have contracted a deadly virus, on the basis of a test-about-nothing?" quoted by Terry Michaels....
Sean, this is the point. The absence of "HIV" particles in the electron microscopy, given that the various test kits show viral particles in the millions, i.e. high viral load, is the point.
This is not about the presence or absence of "HIV," it is about the flaws - the proven, publicly acknowledged flaws - of the "HIV" test kits, and the fact that there could be no possible means of identifying such a "virus" in the absence of a direct isolation of the "virus."
This is not about the existence of "HIV” – this is about the ability to test for something that does not exist. I am demonstrating – and so should “serious journalists” for that matter – that the kits are showing viral load of something in the blood and the blood is showing no "virus". I am “lashing out” for the right of getting evidence that Tommy actually had "the virus" in his body the first day he was “diagnosed”.
This is the news you need to report. Millions of people are being tested with kits that test for nothing to do with "the HIV virus". And, on the basis of these “positive” results, are being treated for an “infection” they do not have and at the same time, their civil, medical, human, and Constitutional rights are being violated.
So there it is; that's all! The End: that's the point! “Budda-bing!” as Tommy would say if he were here today. Emails were sent and received worldwide.
SN: As late as late 2011, Tommy had sent out a press release expressing his desire to fight Wladimir Klitschko in 2012. How realistic was it at that point in time that he could actually have gotten into shape for a shot at the world heavyweight champion?
Very realistic. He was off drugs – clean. He was working out every day. We would watch Klitschko’s fights and Tommy was right there commenting on what he was doing wrong and how he would beat him.
SN: It was a shock to many on the Internet when they saw the mug shot of Tommy where he appeared much older than his actual years. He also appeared confused at his court appearance shortly after. Was there any reason in particular that Tommy looked like what people online describe as a "60 year old vagrant?"
That mug shot was after 2 weeks in a Tennessee jail and 1 week in a Kansas jail. He had lost 30 pounds in this jail time. At one point he had to trade a pair of socks for a packet of oatmeal. He had been flown to Kansas from Tennessee on the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s private jet the day before the mug shot. He left Tennessee at 8am and arrived in Wichita at 3pm and was put into a holding cell as there were no cells available. He was in there with 5 gang members that jumped him. He threw a left hook at one of them. He was made to sleep on the floor of that cell with no blankets or pillows…no shower for 3 weeks...and then brought out in front of the media at 3pm that next day. Who WOULDN’T look like that? His 2 weeks in the Tennessee jail, he was locked up for 23 hours a day. Yes, he was confused. He was suffering from an insect bite to the right side of his chest that no one in the jail took care of. He was in septic shock already from that bite. When I raised the bail of $5000, I took him immediately to the doctors in Wichita to have his chest drained.
SN: I had been reading rumors online for at least a year prior to Tommy's passing that he could go at any moment, that he had been bedridden and wasn't really conscious of who or where he was. How was his actual condition leading up to his final days? When did he really take a turn for the worse?
We returned eventually to Tennessee and he saw a surgeon in October and November with surgery taking place December 01, 2011. It was supposed to be an in and out, one day surgery. We didn't leave the hospital for a week. When we got home, the home health nurse visited us the next day. The surgeon had forgotten to pull out 12 feet of surgical gauze. I spotted the gauze. She pulled it out. She hadn't been told it was even in his chest. You have never seen him cry during his fights no matter what pain he went through....he was crying...he was in pain. That night his leg gave way and he went head first into the wall at home and landed on the back of his neck and fell to the floor. He was in septic shock. He was also diagnosed with Torticollis of the neck. We left Tennessee to find doctors that would help heal his wound. His voice box became paralyzed, his legs and arms were weak. His wound caused pseudomonas aeruginosa septicemia infection throughout his body. He got diagnosed with Miller Fisher Guillain Barre Syndrome – one in a million people get it...he was on the ventilator with oxygen and weaned off it 4 times. He was malnourished because he couldn't eat because he couldn't swallow. He had a feeding tube placed in his stomach and started to gain weight up to 195lbs and then a nurse pulled on it by mistake. He was given an overdose of iron and an overdose of potassium, both of which nearly killed him. He was out of bed 3 times a day working his legs on a "power plate" and doing OT and PT until the wound infection spread throughout his body and his body became septic. TWICE he had tests to detect the HIV virus....TWICE it came back negative...once from Boston Mass General Hospital and the other at UNMC in Omaha, Nebraska. Tommy was put into a medically-induced coma 2 days before he died on September 1, 2013 at 11:50 p.m.
SN: You and Tommy maintained that he did not have HIV and perhaps that it does not even exist. You noted that there was no mention of HIV on his death certificate. What was the official cause of death?
The official cause of death was cardiac arrest 41 minutes prior-septic shock 24 hours prior-pseudomonas aureg. septicemia 24 hours prior due to his chest wound and multi organ failure 24 hours prior. NO HIV whatsoever.
SN: The website, among others, mentions that one of the possible predisposing conditions for pseudomonas aeruginosa septicemia is immunodeficiency relating to AIDS. Is this just a coincidence? Please help us all understand how this can happen.
I am not familiar with that website. No HIV=No AIDS.
SN: Another website,, was continuously slinging mud on Tommy's name once he was deceased and carried a wild tale about you and the Morrison family feuding over his remains. Please tell us if you will what was going on and how it was ultimately resolved.
It was all about a wife trying to carry out her husband’s wishes. A wife that IS carrying out her husband’s wishes! No comment on the mud-slinging and his family feuding. Tommy was cremated in Nebraska. Some of his ashes went to his Aunt Joy, who was a big part of his life, he loved her very much and she visited him when he was in hospital. She arranged for a private memorial service. Tommy's ashes will be placed in keepsake boxing glove necklaces and some very special people in his life will receive them. His ashes will be spread near the cave that he once owned and loved. His ashes will be spread under the new sign in Jay, Oklahoma, that was torn down in February 1996. I am still waiting on confirmation of the sign from the Mayor. This will be a special event that we hope all his fans and friends will make it to.
SN: Finally, I'd like to talk to you about Tommy's books. A good while back I attempted to buy a copy of his book "My Boxing Career" through, but for whatever reason, it just never came. I saw one sell on eBay for $150 a month or so ago, although it was personally autographed to the late Bert Sugar. Now I hear he has other books that were written. Please tell us about each of the books and how our readers can purchase them.
Yes, dear Bert Sugar - he is in that first book with Tommy. You have promised to accept a press release for Tommy's books, and that information will be included. They are HIS books…HIS words…he wrote them both himself. They are very inspirational – motivational – and moving. I still have some signed copies and will get that information to you.
TOMMY: MY BOXING CAREER…his words…in and out of the ring about all his pro fights. TOMMY: MY DARKEST YEARS…his words…family...drugs...women...GOD…prison. ALL proceeds from the sales of these books will go to his two sons, Trey and Kenzie.
There is the final book: TOMMY: MY UNFINISHED BUSINESS....he began working on it in April 2011...and I will finish it for him.
SN: I'd like to thank you so much for your time, Mrs. Morrison. I know I speak for boxing fans everywhere when I say I am so sorry for your loss. The boxing world lost a true warrior with "The Duke." He will be greatly missed.
There is not a day or moment that goes by that I don't think about him and miss him and love him. I knew the real Tommy...big heart...emotional...scared...happy… loving…sober…strong...right to his last and final breath. Every day I would find a little note hidden in a pocket or in a box saying I LOVE YOU...I have no regrets. He so LOVED his fans...they were family...and I want to thank the fans for checking in on me almost every day. Thank you Sean from me and from Tommy....Trisha for Tommy always.
Trisha would like everyone to know that the website is under reconstruction.
Sean Newman can be reached for comment at
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