Evander Holyfield - I'm Never Boxing Again - TMZ Exclusive Report
By TMZ, special to Doghouse Boxing (Oct 12, 2012) Doghouse Boxing
Evander Holyfield
By TMZ special to Doghouse Boxing. Evander Holyfield says he's officially done fighting ... FOREVER ... despite reports the 49-year-old boxing great is looking to get back in the ring one last time.

After his last fight back in 2011, Holyfield had hinted that he wanted one more go inside the ring before hanging up the gloves ... and considering his troubling financial situation, it seemed like a sure thing.

But last night at LAX, Holyfield assured us his boxing days are over ... period.

Thus ends the career of one of the greatest boxers of all-time -- he finishes his illustrious career with 44 wins, several championships, and of course ... half an ear.

Tune in to TMZ on TV weekdays Monday through Friday (check http://www.tmz.com/tmztv/ for syndicated/local listings).

This article provided to Doghouse Boxing by our good friends at TMZ.com.

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