Justin Bieber confronted by security guard at Floyd Mayweather fight - Video By way of Dog House Boxing (Sept. 15, 2015) Tweet Follow @DoghouseBoxing |
Here is the video description that came with the video post: The video is kinda bizarre, since everyone knows Justin and Floyd are as tight as can be, but one security guard apparently missed Bieber walking INTO THE RING with the champ. Witnesses tell us Justin was actually in the ring until police politely asked him to step out during post-fight ceremonies. The video begins as Bieber tries to get back in, only to have the guard stand his ground and bark ..."You wanna be escorted out in handcuffs, young man?" Credit to Justin for NOT playing the "Don't you know who I am" card, even though he'd be justified in this case. -End of Decription This video with Justin Bieber vs. Security Guy has a playing time of 47secs. Press play on the video embedded to the left and enjoy! |