The ESPN2 Tuesday Nite summer series opened at the Hard Rock Seminole Casino in Hollywood Florida, and featured a spirited Cruiserweight title fite between Calgary "Cowboy" Dale Brown and Miami homesteader Robert Daniels.
Following twelve stanzas of contrasting fighting styles it was the cowpuncher getting the nod from two of the ringside judges over one dissenter who saw it for Daniels - and with it, Brown claims the NABF/NABO straps.
Was pretty much Brown from the start, used the height and reach coupled with some lateral movement to keep Daniels from getting off any type sustained offense. No big surprise once peeking at Robert’s resumé that includes 1989 Qawi and 1991 Czyz among the now 53 office visits.
Still, Daniels was the bigger hitter of the two, what did him in was the age factor stealing the reflex/reaction time, the power hooks and occasional right hands were late arrivals for the most part; did score enough to grab number 12 but by then it was knockout or bust, and the Brown chin held up.
Scoring went Brown 117-111, 116-112 and Daniels 116-112.
Post Scripts ~ Brown at age 32 and short on serious punching power is realistically where he’s now at, dual cruiser champ at NABF, NABO level. Has better than average boxing skills in division weak on talent, has proven chin. But should be selective in choosing enemy, doesn’t belong sharing circle with the Braithwaite, Mormeck, Nelson, Jirov, Bell gang, but can safely continue with the leftovers among the 200 lb club.
Daniels: Looked in fine shape until the opening bell. Can still hit at major league level, but has trouble getting off and in defensive reaction department . The choice is his, settle for the lower echelon at cruiserweight or court disaster.
Semi-final heavyweight ten- rounder saw Kendrick Releford besting past Cuban amateur sensation Ramon Garbey. The winning 22-year old improved to 10-4-1, 5 stops and Garbey drops to 17-4, 13 knockouts.
Uneventful best describes this one, Garbey’s demeanor emitted boredom while Releford flicked his offense as if battling with busted mitts; neither has anything close to resembling a ring future.
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