Bonsante tells the Doghouse, I was down but not out!
By Benny Henderson Jr., Doghouse Boxing (Aug 2, 2008)
Tonight on ESPN2 Friday Night Fights, former ‘Contender’ boxing reality star Anthony Bonsante 31-10-3 (18) suffered a first round defeat from the hands of the unbeaten super middleweight prospect Adonis Stevenson 12-0 (9) in a fight that Bonsante proclaimed he was down but not out.
Bonsante traveled to Canada to take on Stevenson, and told Doghouse Boxing before the fight that he was ready to defuse Stevenson with his experience.
The two came out of their corners for the fight with Bonsante launching the first attack, but just moments after the assault Bonsante was met with a glancing left hand which dropped him.
Anthony, who protected himself from the backwards fall by bracing himself with both hands, sprawled out on the canvas with his eyes closed.
The referee Gerry Bolen, who hails from Canada, observed a motionless Bonsante for five seconds, and as he reached the count of six, Bonsante jumped to his feet screaming, “I am up!” but to Anthony’s dismay, the ref called the fight giving Stevenson his twelfth consecutive victory via forty-six seconds in the first round securing Stevenson’s WBC Continental Americas super middleweight strap.
Within moments after the fight, Doghouse Boxing was on the phone with the perturbed Bonsante who told the Doghouse, “The referee messed up!’
When asked why he closed his eyes and laid there motionless, Anthony explained, “I was debating on getting up at the count of six or seven. It was a good shot, but I was not out!”
Stay tuned to Doghouse Boxing as we will have a full candid interview coming out real soon!
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